NWAY — MTN Australia Achromatic
This page is Q&A section of the Achromatic Competition Blog with artist NWay. To view the full blog article, including links to other artists Q&A or to view all submission, click this link:>MTN Challanges Australia Graffiti Community
Dutch artist NWay who recently moved to our art capital, Melbourne, answers our 5 rapid fire questions regarding his entry in the MTN Australia Achromatic Competition.
View his responses to our rapid fire questions below.

- Briefly introduce yourself and your art
My name is NWay and I am a dutch artist currently living in Melbourne. I work very intuitive and expressive.
- How did you come up with your Achromatic concept?
I came up with the achromatic concept, because I wanted the design to be bold and create something that sucks you in with a combination of simple forms that makes the total very detailed.
- What challenges did you face and overcome with the limitations of only Black and White?
I did not had some much challenges working with black and white because I normally also work mainly with black and white.
- What techniques can you share about your process, did you find certain techniques helpful?
I like my design to have the look of being symmetrical but still have the feeling of craftsmanship with it being all done by hand and no computer.
- What is one thing/lesson you learned while doing the Achromatic challenge?
This was my biggest piece on a wall till date so I have learned better how to deal with bigger surfaces.
- If you were to do it again, what would you do differently?
If I were to do it again I would do a new design and push the boundaries even more.

NWay is a visual artist, born in The Hague and now traveling the world. Currently (2019) he lives in Melbourne, Australia. His style since a few years is all black and white orientated and very intuitive. The most important thing for him is always to challenge himself and try new things, while keeping his recognisable style.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nwayshit/
Website: https://nwaystore.com